Hello! I’ve been using Anki for a few years now so I am familiar with the platform. I am hoping that I’ve overlooked something and that this will be a quick fix.
My goal is randomize my review cards. I previously used the HoochieMama add-on prior to the Anki 2.0 update. I then switched to using filtered decks which worked well for a while. Now, after several months of not using Anki regularly, I am unable to create filtered decks. I continue to get the error message seen below.
As the error message says, your search doesn’t match any cards. Maybe you don’t have any due cards in the Default deck or something?
You can use the same search criteria in the browser to make sure that it actually matches something.
I’m not sure what’s different about this particular deck that’s causing the problem. I have no issues creating filtered decks for the other decks I have downloaded, but this new deck is giving my trouble. Certain sub-decks in this new deck work perfectly fine while others give me the error message I sent earlier. Could it have anything to do with if being a shared deck?