Is there a way to determine the frequency cards are shown during card creation

Hi everyone new to the forum :slight_smile:

I’ve been making anki decks for decathalon and I’ve recently been running into a problem where I spend all of my time on the minutia (long lists, unimportant dates, etc) when I want to focus my time more on the broad concepts. For context in acdec 90% of the questions are on more broad concepts while a slim minority are on small details that requires intense studying, so I would rather spend my time reviewing the important cards and occasionally see bits of minutia. Is there a way that I can “mark” a card with a tag as unimportant to be shown significantly less or only untill I have mastered other cards. I would love any tips for focusing on the important stuff if this isnt possibel otherwise. ty!

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Here are some ideas:

  1. You could suspend cards that you don’t find important and focus on the cards that you do find important. After you have a certain grasp on the broad concepts, you can slowly start reintroducing less important cards by unsuspending them.
  2. You could create two separate decks: one for important information and one for less important information. For the deck with less important information you can set the New Card limit to something small like 3. This way, you will get 3 cards of less important information everyday. The nice thing about this approach compared to the first one is that this is automated, you don’t have to think about unsuspending cards. However, you don’t really get a choice in which cards are new. (I think there are ways to prioritize cards, but I don’t know how to do that.)
  3. You can just choose to not put unimportant information into Anki. You can organize the information in a cheat-sheet, and just re-read over it or test yourself occasionally before being officially tested.

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