Interval info of relearning card may not be right


When the card is relearning (which are searched by is:learn is:review), the Interval info at the upper part of Card info doesn’t seem to work properly.

The info is shown on the browser as well.

Other examples

I would appreciate any feedback on the info.

What I have tried

  • Check database
Debug info

Anki 23.12 (97f43fbd)
Python 3.9.15 Qt 6.6.1 PyQt 6.6.1
Platform: Windows-10-10.0.19045

Interval only applies to review cards, and here is indicating the interval the card will be given when it exits relearning.

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Ah, I understand. Thank you so much.

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Incidentally, I’m wondering what you think of the idea of replacing the Interval label of the study history with another one which is potentially able to include both Interval and Step, such as Delay, Space.

I’m not sure what the best choice is here. “Interval” can be used in the generic sense to be a period of time, and also in the Anki card-specific sense of “a review interval”. Using something like “delay” might better contrast with the latter use of “interval”, but I’ve seen some people comment in the past that they didn’t like the word “delay”. A better change might be to change “interval” to “review interval” in the card info screen, or at least document it.

Thank you for the reply.

“Interval” can be used in the generic sense to be a period of time, and also in the Anki card-specific sense of “a review interval”.

Though it may be flexibly acceptable to be polysemous as a word in explanation, but it might be less acceptable to be polysemous as an item name.

Moreover, the term, ‘interval’, seems to be used consistently as the Anki card-specific meaning on Browser and Deck Option and Card Info screen, except for the label in the study history. So, to replace the label and unify the usage of “interval” might be meaningful even if the new label would be somewhat less attractive.

A better change might be to change “interval” to “review interval” in the card info screen, or at least document it.

At first, the “review interval” did sound good, but on my second thought it may not, because “review” is also equivocal in the info screen (and in whole Anki). I mean, in the info screen, “review interval” might not be helpful enough to guide users to the Anki-specific meaning because it would be surrounded by the general sense of “review”.

some people comment in the past that they didn’t like the word “delay”.

Actually, I somewhat share that feeling.

How about “Spacing”. It might harmonize with the neighboring label, “Rating”.

I’ll throw it out to the community.

To re-state @snowtimeglass’s point: “interval” is used at the top to only refer to the delay in review mode. “interval” is used at the bottom for the period of both learning + review cards.

Should we:

  • Do nothing
  • Change “interval” to “review interval” at the top
  • Change “interval” to “delay” at the bottom
  • Change “interval” to “spacing” at the bottom
  • Do something else (please comment)
0 voters

It doesn’t look like we have much interest so far :slight_smile: If the vote count doesn’t increase much in the next few days, I’ll assume the top option.

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