Review cards should always have an interval of 1 day or greater. If you use ‘set due date’ to make them due that day, they’ll still be given an interval of 1.
reviews mean review cards (-is:learn) but see this one from the same screen:
The number of reviews due in the future.
where review means all reviews including is:learn. Isn’t this inconsistent? I would rather have “Review Intervals” include the is:learn cards than not just as “Future Due” does or “Reviews” does.
I agree but neither is showing cards with sub day stability in the stability graph.
If you believe it’s not worth changing the graph, may I change “reviews” to “review cards” instead (in the descrip, not the title)?
This is a larger issue I believe, that plagues even the manual. The other day, I read the section describing Set Due Date and it didn’t make sense for a day until I realised “reviews” meant “review cards” there.