Background: I’m trying to edit a deck for a standardised exam. The deck is based on some textbook which I read along with the deck. Now the deck author have not included every piece of information from the books which I’m trying to include now.
Issue: When I encounter that some potential flashcard hasn’t been included in the deck I want to include it in the deck, but I want to maintain the order of the Textbooks. This would mean assigning a due number to the card that is just below the lowest due number of a new card. (I’m explaining this in next paragraph)
Solution: A new Insertion Order that would do the afore-mentioned. Ideally it would assign the new cards the lowest due number that a new card has and reposition the rest of the cards. So for instance, if the cards are with due number 1, 2, 3, 4, … etc., and we’ve already gone thorough 99 of them—and the next new card has a due number of 100— then the newly created card will get a due number of 100 and the rest of the cards will get repositioned.
Not many people will be using this. For those who will, this is still better than nothing. If there is a simple way of solving my issue I’d be happy to hear.
The only other way that comes to my mind is reposition cards once but leave at least 10 unused due numbers between the used due numbers and then fill it up later whenever cards are added. It would get the job done for at least my case.
There’s no reason to move any of the other cards though. It doesn’t hurt anything for multiple cards to have the same New queue number. And the number stops mattering as soon as the card is introduced.
If you’re trying to see a card soon, just Reposition it to any arbitrarily low number. If you know where you are in your New queue, and you want to see it soon-but-not-immediately, you can pick something appropriate among those numbers – but otherwise, 0 works just fine.
When I encounter new vocabulary in the wild, and add an note or unsuspend it in the pre-made part of my deck – it’s easy to decide right then whether I want it near the front of my queue.
@Danika_Dakika@dae I think I was not clear enough. If I was doing a deck for myself this wouldn’t have been necessary. I am instead trying to edit a deck for everyone prepping for the NEET UG. Anubis Nekhet has made some really nice decks many are using. But he cracked the test last year and probabaly won’t be making any updates as he’s really busy. I thought I would share mine with everyone but having the cards sorted properly becomes important. It also means others can easily find missing information in decks and add them on their own. Recent changes in syllabus also mean some content have gotten irrelevant and some have been added a new. The syllabus has been changed multiple times recently and I expect more turbulence as States across India brace for the New Education Policy.
If I add cards normally what would end up happening is all newly added cards would be at the end of the deck instead of the order it should be according to the Textbooks. Textbook order is also a good-to-have feature for large community maintained decks as others can easily see what’s there and what’s not. Hopefully, my idea or some others’ is able to achieve that.
But the answer is pretty much the same – and what I would suggest to anyone sharing or publishing a deck. Before you release the file, import your apkg into a fresh profile – put the cards in the right order, Reposition as necessary, and then make your final export apkg for sharing.
To deal with the complexities of the changing syllabus, make sure you’re using tags (or at least subdecks), to keep the material organized. Then you’ll be able to use those to get the cards in the right queue order too.
Or a variant of this: keep the cards as new in the source profile, and import them into a separate profile for studying (either by you, or others using the deck)
Well repositioning later, manually, is what I dread.
For illustration if the deck author misses some information about blue-green algae, I first need to find the cards that cover Kingdom Monera → Eubacteria and the flashcard that should come before it so that I can put it in right place. Maybe I am being too pedantic about precision here but it is just that I was thrown off by wrong order a couple times by pre-made decks. But even if I compromise on precision still it stands that repositioning this way will take a lot of time and effort even after categorising things as much as I can.
What you’re proposing would have to be done manually too though – whenever you want to add a card at the “front” of the queue, you’ll have to change the deck options to that.
The easiest thing would be to just reposition the cards to the generally correct area at the time you create them, and then fine-tune that when you’re done. You can section the current cards out into 100s or 1000s, and keep a list for yourself – if that’s easier. Otherwise, just add your note > search monera OR Eubacteria [or the tags that you’re using, as already suggested] > Reposition the new ones to match something already in that section. And then move on.
If we get that feature, I’ll set my Insertion Order to that, and I am never changing it. I mean I don’t need to. I’ll only add cards when I’m studying the deck and then don’t see something that I should.
@dae Can the reposition feature get changed so that only the deck I’m adding cards to is affected and others aren’t.That would partly solve worries of longer sync times.
Hey @dae, If I’m not wrong your issue with this was that repositioning cards would make syncs longer, right? As Danika mentioned, two cards can have the same queue number. If that’s correct then repositioning the cards become completely unnecessary. The new cards just needs to be in the top of the queue. Please let me know if you think this is still not workable.
Well then I can reposition the cards later and it will have the correct ordering and I wouldn’t have to go through the rigamarole of Card info of present card → Note down due number → Add card → Card Browser → Reposition the newly added card
Ideally, I would want the new cards to get a lower due number (than the already studied card; so that it is on the start of the new card queue) but I understood that such a feature repositioning cards each and every time is something you do not like. I think I’ve explained my situation in the previous posts. TL;DR: I’m adding missing cards to a deck. I want them to have the same ordering as in the textbook. If studying the deck and I discover a particular factoid was skipped by the deck author I’d want it to be added but I’d also want it to be added to the correct position.