Importing sound from a file

I created a spreadsheet for my cards. One of the columns is for the voice. My cards are on roman latin. When I am in anki and use the paper clip to attach the mp3 for the particular word, all works fine.

When I import a file with the name of that same mp3 file, the mp3 doesn’t play. I use proper formating. I found a video online that shows how its done and its very clear. I did copy all my mp3 to the proper location in anki.

Why doesn’t it play the mp3 when I import it from a unicode 8 txt file? The name of the mp3 is all there when I look at the card in anki browser but won’t play it. When I add that same mp3 using the paper clip, it works.

Is it on Windows or other system?

I use proper formating.

Hmm. It would be helpful if you attached some screenshots. Also go to Edit html (ctrl+shift+x) and make sure that there is no junk code added when imported or unwanted signs, for example space, that can damage file names or paths.

The problem with sound appears in browser preview mode or in study mode? Or both?

There is add-on
Play audio in browser

OS is windows10 on laptop and android on phone.

Problem appears in both. The syntax appears correct when in the preview mode and in the study mode. just no sound.

When I import the new cards I do it first into a deck that I call test. I do this to see if it works. If it does I then import it into the actual deck of MyLatin Words. The MyLatin words deck I attached the mp3 using the paper clip. It works. The test deck I imported the file. I get no sound with the exception of a few files that, I think are using other mp3 with similar names. Some are voices from other decks that I imported by other people, some are my voice.