I’m expiriencing problem with card sounds that contains links to web - it doesn’t play. But when i record some sound for card with my microphone it plays normally when i click show answer.
In Sound field i have something like this:
[sound:htt@ps://audiocdn.lingualeo.com/v2/1/cHV0IG9mZg==b33a1f4d.mp3] (i added @ in https because i can’t post links here)
and it plays flawlessly if you just put it in browser
Paste the url directly in the field. Anki will download the file to your collection media.
Download the file yourself and use the to attach it in that field. Anki will copy that file to your collection.
Either way, what you’ll end up with in the field is the resolved sound tag – [sound:cHV0IG9mZg==b33a1f4d.mp3] – and the mp3 will be added to your collection.
Thank you for reply! I downloaded a file, drag’n’dropped it into sound field and this word now works. But when i tried just to paste an URL to sound field it just added it as text to back template. Tell me, please, what am i doing wrong?
I have just imported 4500 words from another memorizing program and i can’t just download every word’s audio by hand, it will be nightmare. Maybe there is a way to automate it?
There is a sneaky thing that Anki does which is almost always helpful – if you copy text from a note field and paste it to note field, it assumes you want it formatted the same way. I think that’s what is getting in the way here. Try this –
Copy just the url from the Sound field – from https through mp3
Select (or delete) all of the text in the Sound field
Paste that full url the Sound field using Ctrl Shift V (to strip the formatting)
That will help you in the future, but that’s obviously not going to be a scalable solution for 4500 notes.
It seems like you don’t actually have these files downloaded anywhere, is that right? In that case, you can pick your path forward forward –
(a) Let the media stay remote and use HTML audio tags instead. (You’ll always need to be connected to the internet for the audio to play.) I think you can do this with some careful Find and Replace-ing. If you’re not comfortable with regular expressions (regex), I can help you build a search that will work.
(b) Use the Localize Media add-on to download all of the media, attach it to your collection, and fix the sound tags.