Import pictures from excel to anki

I am trying to import images to anki from axcel because i have a lot of them and it would take a lifetime to make all the cards.
I know that what I intend to do is possible but it did not succeed. I show you the screenshots of what I have tried (the images are on my computer, not on google).

This is the access path of one of the images that I copy in excel: “C:\Users\myria\OneDrive\Escritorio\PRECEGE\PRECEGE INTENSIVO 2023\Práctico\Visu\Algas 1\Acetabularia acetabulum.jpg”

Then I modify this address according to tutorials I saw on youtube: , and this: =

In both cases, Anki claims to have converted all 241 images to cards but only 20 appear in the deck and the image is not visible.

(I’m not sure if I uploaded the images correctly.)

Thanks in advance with what you can help me with.

I’m sorry, there was some kind of problem putting in the edits to the image addresses. These are the ones I used.
Excel 1

So you were able to make it work?

Did you copy the files into your media folder?

Tools>Check Media will tell you if the files are missing.


You were right, there is nothing in the media files folder. I have been reviewing the online manual and some internet tutorials but I can’t find how to upload the files there. Could you help me?
Thank you very much in advance.

You don’t have to upload them anywhere, just copy your image files to the media folder with file explorer.


Thank you so much! I finally managed to do it. I had a hard time finding the Anki media files folder. In the end, I had to look in the browser for %APPDATA%\Anki2. I pasted my 241 images there and was able to make the cards. A new world opens!!

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