Image occlusion with note id field is broken

Hi there,

as far as I can tell, I’m experiencing exactly the same problem described here: Error on modified Image Occlusion note type (I can’t comment there due to the age of the post).

Unfortunately, the suggested solution does not resolve the problem in my case.

Anki version:
Version ⁨24.06.3 (a5c90890)⁩
Python 3.12.6 Qt 6.7.3 PyQt 6.7.1

Any ideas what else I could try to resolve the problem?

Please let me know if you need more information / details. If you expect that this is a somewhat easy problem to fix code-wise, I could try to dig into the code (though I do not have much Python experience).

Use the Manage Notetypes screen to add a new notetype. Carefully modify it and confirm it works, and then you can use the Change Notetype action to move your existing notes over to it.

That worked, thank you so much! And thank you for all your work on Anki in general; Anki has been a faithful and incredibly useful companion over the years :slight_smile:

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