Image occlusion fields

Hello everyone, I searched this before posting. but I apologize if this is a repeat topic.
How do we add or copy images in the Fields section of the Image occlusion enhanced card,??
I am not talking about the main occluded card. I want to add pictures in the field section that will pop out once I have answered the question., like a reference picture.
when I try to do this, it copies the picture address as text and not the picture itself.
However, I can add pictures in the browser section in the fields, but by this time I have to add multiple times in different versions of the same card.
Instead, I want to add the support picture in the field section when I am creating the card.
Any help in this issue is appreciated.

Idk much about it, maybe you can find a solution in the wiki for the add-on or wait for a better response
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Or maybe it is something about Closet For Anki - AnkiWeb

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