Image Occlusion Enhanced [Official Support Thread]

@krstoevan thanks for giving the build a try! Glad to hear that the fix works for you :slight_smile:

To other readers: This was about testing a fix for the IOE editor freezing up while editing notes in some scenarios.

If you’re using a recent version of Anki and are affected by this, you can help test the fix by downloading the latest test build here (install by double-clicking the downloaded file or dragging an dropping it onto Anki’s add-on window under ToolsAdd-ons).

Please note that this fix still has some issues with refreshing modified cards when you are editing them from the reviewer (which is why I have not pushed it to AnkiWeb, yet). A workaround to force a refresh can be to quickly switch to your deck list and then back into the deck.

Hoping to push a better fix soon, it’s just been slightly less of a priority while I’ve shifted focus towards supporting native IO.