I have no due cards in any of my decks after updating Anki yesterday. Attached are my settings for a deck.
Also, the heat map was not working after the update, I deleted that add-on, but it still did not fix the problem.
I have no due cards in any of my decks after updating Anki yesterday. Attached are my settings for a deck.
Also, the heat map was not working after the update, I deleted that add-on, but it still did not fix the problem.
Also, when I go into the browser, it says many of the cards are overdue but do not sure up on the main page.
All of your due cards are either in the learning stage, so they show up in the red count, or they are currently suspended.
My due cards are not showing up even after doing cards yesterday that should definitely have come up today. I just updated the app and I am not sure what is going on. Here is a screenshot showing the overdue cards with no due cards available.
Is there a video that can explain this scheduling? I have used anki for a year and am a bit confused with the update.
Thank you so much!!
You have a 1 day learning step configured in your deck options. If you don’t want that, you can remove that learning step and then cards will appear is green the next day. Deck Options - Anki Manual