How to sync media faster?

I observe that Anki syncs my picture ~25pic per sec and each 25 picture block takes ~1sec delay before move on to the next 25picture block. The problem is the delay between each block.

Is there any way I could speed up this process? Like, ramp it up to 1 block of All my pictures, so the delay between each block is gone.

Even when reducing the size of those media files it takes that long?

I’ve never reduced my media size. How? Will it drop the resolution?

You could convert a few images to webp manually, changing the resolution quality and/or the resolution, to see if it’s worth, then you could use a bulk converter like this add-on has.
I don’t know what’s in your media and how are your card so I can’t judge but I’d say it’s probably not useful to keep images with resolution height above 720p


1500 files/min is a pretty reasonable ingestion rate, especially for a service that is provided free of charge. The files are not sent each time, so you only need to wait when you add new material, and recent Anki versions sync the media in the background.