Ankiweb media sync problem

I am trying to use Ankiweb and Ankidroid on my phone, but the media appears as below:

I have no trouble using Anki desktop program and the media is fine in my PC.

Is there a way I can sync media to Ankiweb or Ankidroid?

Thank you in advance.

Assuming you have media sync turned on in tools > preferences > sync media might still be syncing in the background and available after you wait for the synchronization to finish.

Else you’d have to turn the media sync options on.

There is also a free Anki app called “AnkiDroid” which provides a much better user experience on mobile.
You can install it from here:

You do have almost 4GB of media in your account already. It takes time and probably several tries to shift that from place to place.

If you want to speed things up – on desktop Anki – Tools > Check Media > Delete Unused Media. [You can run Check Media again to delete that from the trash folder as soon as you’re sure you don’t need it.] Then you can sync that change to AnkiWeb, to clear the way for the media you actually want, and from there to AnkiDroid.

True, but how is this any different from what I said above?

We’ll have to wait for a reply from @Onlymy in order to know if his problem is resolved or not.

Thank you so much!
I did what Anon_0000 told me and it’s working fine now.
I also downloaded AnkiDroid and that’s working great after some time for media sync.

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Please disregard the un-insightful spambot response. I’ve removed it. :+1:t4:

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