How to reset a field for all cards in a deck

Hi all.
I have a large Anki deck (9000 cards) where each card has 3 fields : the question, the answer and a personal mnemonic key. Is there any possibility to reset the 3rd field for all my cards at once ?

The objective is to give my deck to friend without my personal mnemonic keys.

Thank you.

Maybe you could use Find & Replace + regex.

  1. It is always a good idea to create a backup first.
  2. Go to the Browser, load the deck (e.g., by clicking on it in the Decks section of the left sidebar of the Browser), and select all the cards you wish to edit.
  3. Go to Notes (top toolbar) > Find and Replace.
  4. Perform a replacement using these settings
  • Find: (.*?)$
  • Replace with: (nothing)
  • In: name of your field
  • Selected notes only: yes
  • Treat input as regular expression: yes

(If you wish to keep your own copy of the deck intact, you may want to first export-import the deck into a new profile, and only then perform these steps)

If this does not fix it for you and/or you need further help, please ask.


Thank you very much jcznk for your fast and clear reply.
That’s exactly what I need !

I will test the procedure on a computer other than mine (…as I am always afraid to destroy my collection).

Thank again for your help.

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