How can I study in categories and adjust these settings to avoid studying the whole deck

how can I study in categories and adjust these settings to avoid studying the whole deck

I presume you want to study one subdeck at a time? You can of course click on the individual decks to study them seperately.

If you’re clicking on the top-level deck, however, set your New card gather order to deck and Review sort order deck, then due date to do this. You should do this for the preset of the deck you click on to start studying.

Deck: Gathers cards from each subdeck in order, starting from the top.

Deck, then due date: Shows review cards for each subdeck in turn.

Ref: Deck Options - Anki Manual.

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You can filter the deck (you’ll have to have each card tagged with a category if the built-in filter options don’t correspond to the categories you want to study); suspend, reschedule, or reposition some cards in the browser; or bury or suspend cards one by one as you study the deck.

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