How can I obtain the style of flag in iOS?

When I need to add a flag, let the background color be defined as a darker shade of the flag. On Windows, I can directly use a plugin to view the flag style in HTML. I thought the HTML in iOS was the same, but it turns out it is not universal.

  • What add-on are you using? Depending on when it does its action, it might not work on AnkiMobile.
  • What is the HTML / CSS / JS in your card template that causes the color change? [post it as text, please, in a code/preformatted text block]

OK. The plug-in can only see the internals of HTML. Then, a CSS was written with this. When I add a flag, the background color will change. However, this doesn’t work in the iOS system. The label of this flag cannot be found.

#_flag[style*="--flag-1"] + #qa .section,
#_flag[style*="--flag-1"] + #qa .section2{
    background: #780d0040 !important;
#_flag[style*="--flag-2"] + #qa .section,
#_flag[style*="--flag-2"] + #qa .section2{
    background: #8e480142 !important;
#_flag[style*="--flag-3"] + #qa .section,
#_flag[style*="--flag-3"] + #qa .section2{
    background: #016a002e !important;

Probably because the flag isn’t displayed in the review screen? Can you add a custom field with info about flagging?

The flag can be displayed on the screen
I just feel that the style in the html rendered in ios is different. Or the logic of the added flag is different.
If you can tell me how the flag in ios is formed, and where it is, I will write the flag myself!

Is it because the page style in iOS is different?

<div id="_mark" hidden="">★</div>
<div id="_flag" style="color: var(--flag-1);">⚑</div>
<div id="qa" style="opacity: 1;"></div>

You can see these three layers in win. Isn’t the flag in ios written on the page?

I’m afraid the flag is overlayed over the HTML page, so can not be adjusted with CSS/JS.

OK, then you can only watch it on win.

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