How can I force Anki to bury cloze cards when more than one cloze card is generated from one note

How can I force Anki to bury cloze cards when more than one cloze card is generated from one note.
If I have 3 cloze card from one note I would like to see them let’s say for three next days, not all three at one day. I’m thinking only about the new cards.

Sometimes Anki shows me all cloze cards one by one and sometimes buries one of them. What is the logic behind?

click on the gear icon next to the deck name and select “Options” from the menu (or just press “O” on deck overview)
there is a checkbox in “New Cards” tab which says “Bury related new cards until the next day”, check it.
there is another one just like that in “Reviews” tab that does the same thing for review cards.

there is no “bury related” option for learn/re-learn cards.

Yes, I know this option and use it. Unfortunately, it doesn’t bury related cloze cards. It works as expected when I have cards generated from different templates but from one note. At least I think that.

there is an add-on called bury cousins. it buries the cards that aren’t siblings.
foe example: if you review “this is a test for cloze cards” in a deck and you have “this is not a test for cloze cards”, the add-on buries the second cards.
is this what you’re looking for?

How can I force Anki to bury cloze cards when more than one cloze card is generated from one note

anyways, this is what default “Bury related cards until next day” does

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I’m looking exactly for this but somehow I had an impression that Anki shows me more than one cloze card (from the same note) at the same learning session.

Make sure to check the box for burying for both review and new cards. So there are 2 checkboxes one in each tab.

as i told you

and in anki manual:

Anki will only bury siblings that are new or review cards. It will not hide cards in learning, as time is of the essence for those cards. On the other hand, when you study a learning card, any new/review siblings will be buried.

anki won’t bury cards that are in learn/re-learn phase.

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This is the answer! Thank you.
For new cards, I have steps as follow: 1 10 10 1440. The last step is the next day. Because of that during that next day, I get two cards.
One which is in learning phase and a new one.