How are reviews scheduled and what does it mean by days start(preference option)?

I know new cards are scheduled by the minute, but how are review structured? Also what does next day starts at mean? (in the preference settings options). I am wondering If I can do my reviews and new cards on a given time like 6pm, can I do this? I know this is a lot of questions however I am really stumbled as the documentation seems to not be great deal of help.

what does it mean by “next day’s cards” Isn’t cards scheduled by minute by minute basis

I haven’t found any comprehensive resources to help me in understanding this. It’d be great if I could get some clarification as I am quite new to anki

Also what does next day starts at mean? (in the preference settings options).

This setting is for the day cut-off. For instance, if a person sets it to 2am after midnight, and he uses Anki from 11pm to 1 am, Anki treads that hour as the same day.

what does it mean by “next day’s cards” Isn’t cards scheduled by minute by minute basis

I don’t understand “next day’s cards”. Are you using some add-on? Cards with an interval longer than a day are scheduled in day basis, so all cards due that day will become due as soon as the day cut-off set in the settings.

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