Help me understand how to make a filtered deck for this?

I want to study new cards in some main decks, but only after a certain amount of time has elapsed from the time the cards were created, to build more ‘desirable difficulty’ in to the very first review since I’m making the cards myself and they should be out of short-term memory before review at the very least. I thought it might work to create a custom deck with cards created within a certain time frame, so it would suck recently made cards there and the original deck would only show the cards created prior to that time frame. But I’m getting results I don’t understand when I try to do thisーeither something in the explanation has completely lost me, or there is some kind of glitch. I thought that added:1 was working, but when I changed it to added:30 it showed thousands of cards, when I have not added thousands of cards in the last month. I won’t go through everything else I tried, because I’ve tried everything I can think of, including every variation of is:new -is:learn and so on to try to get only the created cards that haven’t yet been reviewed. Can someone give me the exact instruction so I can tell whether the problem is me? The decks are named 全て::パソコン::Core PC Decks::私の鍵ー仮名 and 全て::電話::私の鍵ー漢字 and 全て::電話::私の鍵ー穴埋め ーand I put deck:全て::パソコン::Core PC Decks::私の鍵ー仮名 and it still sucks in cards made in a different deck under Core PC Decks.

There’s no need to worry about that. Short term memory only holds information for a few seconds to a few minutes tops.

That would be something like this:

is:new deck:my_deck_name added:5

This includes only new cards from deck my_deck_name that were created in the last 5 days.

Also see this:

Maybe you have something like clozes? Every note with cloze deletions creates several cards. Or you use other note types that create several cards. To quote the manual:

The check is made against card creation time rather than note creation time, so cards that were generated within the time frame will be included even if their notes were added a long time ago.

More info regarding cards vs notes here:

So you only want specific subdecks? The manual has a few useful tips:

I don’t use subdecks so cannot test if this works. Just to check, did you use " like so?

"deck:全て::パソコン::Core PC Decks::私の鍵ー仮名"

That’s exactly what I overlooked, and all the other trouble is fixed with that handled. Thank you! In one deck, the quotations disappear after saving the changes, but it still all works as expected.

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