I guess now that is not possible to use monkey patching if the original code is no longer in Python but Rust, right? The way to go are hooks I suppose.
I want to make a really simple add-on. When reviewing, the bottom counts new learning due
to change it so it’s shown as new learningCount (learningReviewCount) relearningCount(relearningReviewCount) due. Hopefully coloring purple the relearning counts.
What I do not know is which hook do I have to use for that matter. Can someone give me a hint where to look at?
the remaining cards stats are done in reviewer.py, specifically in the _remaining() function. You probably have to resort to monkey patching as there does not seem to be any hook for it.
finally made the add-on. I relied on doing my own sql queries rather than using built-in methods, as I only get 3 stats out of 6. The bad news is that those queries are executed at each review and roughly takes half a second. That outweights the benefit of getting the data I want to be displayed.
--learn Reps
sum(case when queue=1 then left/1000 else 0 end),
--relarn Reps
sum(case when queue=3 then left/1000 else 0 end),
--learn Cards
sum(case when queue=1 then 1 else 0 end),
--relearn cards
sum(case when queue=3 then 1 else 0 end)
from cards where did=?
You could experiment with separate queries with “where did=? and queue=1” and "“where did=? and queue=3”, as that may better take advantage of the ix_cards_sched index.
It does not makes much of a difference. I did not measured the time, but the wait is above my subjective tolerance. I guess it is due the size of the deck. In a small 4k card deck I do not feel any delay, and in such small decks I won’t need the add-on.