Not sure if this sort of question is ok, but it’s one of those things that will probably take someone who knows about 5s, whereas if I try to dig up the answer, it’ll take a long time.
In an add-on I’m developing, I have the following query:
for row in mw.col.db.execute("""
select c.nid, from cards c, notes n
where c.nid = and mid = ?""", m['id']):
cid = row[0]
nid = row[1]
The thing I’m not sure how to get is the learning status of the card. Getting a handle on the note is easy enough: mw.col.getNote(nid)
but I’m not sure how to get information about the card, in particular, whether it is new or not. Essentially, want True if the card “is:new”, false otherwise. I imagine it might be in the database above, so it might be easier to return it with the query…but I have no idea where to get the schemas for these databases (would love pointers on that, and I sort of ask another question related to this issue below)
Any pointers? Would be much appreciated.
Somewhat tangential, but…I was wondering if you might consider a stickied thread for minor questions like this? I guess I don’t know how much traffic it would get, but I think it’d be nice to have a place to ask this sort of thing (assuming such questions are welcome).
Second, but is there a better way of going about figuring this stuff out? I’ve never gotten a great development flow going for add-ons, I end up just trying to find out an add-on that does what I want and then copying it because I haven’t yet found out a great way to figure out the model. I’ve read the code where I have to, but for stuff like database schemas and whatnot, not sure what the recommended way is to sort of get a grip on all that (not knowing how to approach this is why I am asking this question at all!)