I use Anki for PC and for mobile and have connected both through a shared account.
This has worked for years.
I started using Anki after someone in my university held a talk about it (Thomas Kahn), explained how it basically works and shared some card templates with us.
I have been using this template for years.
Now it doesn’t work anymore and Anki is showing me error messages and the entire backside of the card is one big malfunction.
This question and answer field look the same, but there were multiple other optional fields which could also be used as an alternative.
Now the the names of these fields seem to be totally broken (as you can read, the names of these additional answer fields reads like code, not like a question/answer header)
When I go on “Cards” (german: Karten…) I get an error message for the backside (“Rückseite”), especially for the “FFachbegriff” part of the card:
I am less than three weeks away from my final, final exams and am quite desperate to fix this as soon as possible, because my entire learning deck is useless in this state.
Oh and just as additional info: I have NEVER actually created any of my cards or templates for them. I just used the ones I got from the guy from my university, because they were already perfect for the purpose.
I study law and basically use these cards to learn definitions, logic schematics/order of points for evaluation, §§ and so on.
The card is structured into multiple answer fields for different kinds of answer.
For example, when I just want to check if I know the § for a certain kind of contract, I can enter § 433 BGB into that field instead of the normal answer field and I will be asked for the § while I just have to enter “Kaufvertrag” (= buying contract) into the question field without any further additions.
It also allows me to ask for several answers for one question. E. g. I can ask: “A buys apple from B. What is this?” and then enter “buying contract” in the normal answer field and “§ 433 BGB” into the field for “Norm” (=“§”).
The program (Anki) then used to ask me for each answer separately while I only had to create one question.
→ It shows me the question to which I have to answer “Kaufvertrag”
→ Later it shows me a second card to which I have to answer “§ 433 BGB”.
If it matters, here is the code for the front and backside:
<div id="UeberAnzeigen" class="UeberAnzeigen" style="position:absolute;right:0px;top:0px;cursor: pointer;" onclick="if (document.getElementById('Karte').style.display=='') { document.getElementById('Karte').style.display='none';document.getElementById('Ueber').style.display=''; document.getElementById('UeberAnzeigen').className='UeberAusblenden';} else {document.getElementById('Karte').style.display='';document.getElementById('Ueber').style.display='none'; document.getElementById('UeberAnzeigen').className='UeberAnzeigen';}"></div>
<div id=Ueber align=center style="display:none;">
<img src="_Logo.png">
<h1>Jura-Vorlagen <span style="font-weight:normal">für Anki</span></h1>
<p>Thomas Kahn</p>
<div id=Karte>
{{#<div id="FMerkhilfe" title="Hier kannst du Eselsbrücken oder andere Merkhilfen eingeben, die dir dabei helfen, dich an die richtige Antwort zu erinnern.">Merkhilfe</div>}}<div class=zusatzinfo><a href="#" onclick="document.getElementById('Merkhilfe2').style.display='block';return false;">Merkhilfe</a><span id="Merkhilfe2" style="display: none;">{{<div id="FMerkhilfe" title="Hier kannst du Eselsbrücken oder andere Merkhilfen eingeben, die dir dabei helfen, dich an die richtige Antwort zu erinnern.">Merkhilfe</div>}}</div>{{/<div id="FMerkhilfe" title="Hier kannst du Eselsbrücken oder andere Merkhilfen eingeben, die dir dabei helfen, dich an die richtige Antwort zu erinnern.">Merkhilfe</div>}}
<div class=zusatzinfo>
<a href="#" onclick="document.getElementById('tags').style.display='block';return false;">Tags</a>
<div id="tags" style="display: none;" class=zusatzinfo>
<hr id=answer>
{{#<div id="FBegruendung" title="Warum ist dies die richtige Antwort?">Begründung</div>}}<div class=zusatzinfo><a href="#" onclick="document.getElementById('Begruendung').style.display='block';return false;">Begründung</a><span id="Begruendung" style="display: none;">{{<div id="FBegruendung" title="Warum ist dies die richtige Antwort?">Begründung</div>}}</div>{{/<div id="FBegruendung" title="Warum ist dies die richtige Antwort?">Begründung</div>}}
{{#<div id="FMerkhilfe" title="Hier kannst du Eselsbrücken oder andere Merkhilfen eingeben, die dir dabei helfen, dich an die richtige Antwort zu erinnern.">Merkhilfe</div>}}<div class=zusatzinfo><a href="#" onclick="document.getElementById('Merkhilfe').style.display='block';return false;">Merkhilfe</a><span id="Merkhilfe" style="display: none;">{{<div id="FMerkhilfe" title="Hier kannst du Eselsbrücken oder andere Merkhilfen eingeben, die dir dabei helfen, dich an die richtige Antwort zu erinnern.">Merkhilfe</div>}}</div>{{/<div id="FMerkhilfe" title="Hier kannst du Eselsbrücken oder andere Merkhilfen eingeben, die dir dabei helfen, dich an die richtige Antwort zu erinnern.">Merkhilfe</div>}}
{{#<div id="FFachbegriff" title="Welcher Fachbegriff ist mit diesem Szenario verknüpft? Bsp: actio pro socio, falsa demonstratio non nocet, Erlaubnistatbestandsirrtum etc.">Fachbegriff</div>}}<div class=zusatzinfo><a href="#" onclick="document.getElementById('Bezeichnung').style.display='block';return false;">Fachbegriff</a><span id="Bezeichnung" style="display: none;">{{<div id="FFachbegriff" title="Welcher Fachbegriff ist mit diesem Szenario verknüpft? Bsp: actio pro socio, falsa demonstratio non nocet, Erlaubnistatbestandsirrtum etc.">Fachbegriff</div>}}</div>{{/<div id="FFachbegriff" title="Welcher Fachbegriff ist mit diesem Szenario verknüpft? Bsp: actio pro socio, falsa demonstratio non nocet, Erlaubnistatbestandsirrtum etc.">Fachbegriff</div>}}
{{#<div id="FNorm" title="Aus welcher gesetzlichen Norm oder welchem Prinzip ergibt sich dies?">Norm</div>}}<div class=zusatzinfo><a href="#" onclick="document.getElementById('Norm').style.display='block';return false;">Norm</a><span id="Norm" style="display: none;">{{<div id="FNorm" title="Aus welcher gesetzlichen Norm oder welchem Prinzip ergibt sich dies?">Norm</div>}}</div>{{/<div id="FNorm" title="Aus welcher gesetzlichen Norm oder welchem Prinzip ergibt sich dies?">Norm</div>}}
{{#<div id="FKlausurstandort" title="Wo in der Klausur ist dieses Wissen relevant?">Klausurstandort</div>}}<div class=zusatzinfo><a href="#" onclick="document.getElementById('Klausurstandort').style.display='block';return false;">Klausurstandort</a><span id="Klausurstandort" style="display: none;">{{<div id="FKlausurstandort" title="Wo in der Klausur ist dieses Wissen relevant?">Klausurstandort</div>}}</div>{{/<div id="FKlausurstandort" title="Wo in der Klausur ist dieses Wissen relevant?">Klausurstandort</div>}}
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I found the solution.
The cards are based on card drafts by Thomas Kahn, here known as user Basiskarten.
The solution can be found here:
[link blocked by forum] → look for the user “Basiskarten” here. The link to his website (basiskarten(dot)de) is there or you can just add the point to the link I just wrote down.
You will find the necessary info if you go to the header “Kontakt”, then click “Schreibt mir” and then “Lest dazu bitte diesen Blogbeitrag.”
I downloaded the Butler-Addon and it updated my Rechtsfrage-cards from version 1.13 to 2.15 (or similar). Seems like my version was pretty old, since I started my decks around 2014-2016.
→ Youtube Video explanation for fix
[link blocked]