Lots of you have already been working on integrating ChatGPT into Anki Desktop client to help query cards.
I wanted to add to this by creating a specific tutor mode that could rewrite questions and then quiz me on recalling them.
I integrated that into the ChatGPT interface with some custom prompts on the GPT to act as an encouraging tutor.
I made a blog post explaining the rationale behind those prompts called Further Augmenting Long Term Memory on Substack, which has the links to the github where you can install it from.
TLDR: Flashcards have four downsides: prompt sensitisation, partial recall, lack of positive reinforcement, lack of embedding in new contexts.
AnkiTutorGPT acts to help you recall an entire flashcard of knowledge and then apply it in a new context whilst being encouraging!
I hope that people find this helpful - it is now the default way by which I revise text based flashcards! - and I look forward to seeing how you all integrate it further into Anki!
I searched AnkiTutorGPT site:substack.com and Nothing. I also did a search with Further Augmenting Long Term Memory site:substack.com but once again nothing comes up. Google is unreliable so you should have posted a link to it. But then I also searched Github but no results. Did you not use the word AnkiTutorGPT?
It could do that - but in this case it is specifically optimised to have a discussion with you about that card. So it can re-write it (so that you don’t just learn a response to the original prompt) and then have a discussion with you about the content of the card.
It’s now my default way of reviewing text based cards!