Everything was fine until yesterday. Today i disabled tts in Ankidroid and when i open my cards i see two entries of Word both in the front and back of the card. One seems to be from {{Word}} and the other from {{tts en_US:Word}} (found out by editing card in Ankidroid). How do i solve this issue? Trying to use the inbuilt tts in anki.
Front template:
<b><font size="8px"> {{Word}} {{tts en_US:Word}}</b> </font size><br>
Back Template:
<hr id=answer>
<b><font size=5px"> {{Parts of Speech}}: {{Definition}}<br></font size></b>
{{#Example}}<hr><font size=3px"> {{Example}} </font size>{{/Example}}
{{#Synonym}}<hr><i><font size="3px"> Synonyms: {{Synonym}}</font size></i>{{/Synonym}}<br>
.card {
font-family: arial;
text-align: left;
color: black;
background-color: white;
Edit: Deleting {{tts en_US:Word}}
from the front template seems to be a temp fix to the issue but then i would loose tts in the windows version as well. Would be really good if i don´t have to use 3rd party addons for tts.