Front cards showing up twice because of TTS

Everything was fine until yesterday. Today i disabled tts in Ankidroid and when i open my cards i see two entries of Word both in the front and back of the card. One seems to be from {{Word}} and the other from {{tts en_US:Word}} (found out by editing card in Ankidroid). How do i solve this issue? Trying to use the inbuilt tts in anki.

Front template:

<b><font size="8px"> {{Word}} {{tts en_US:Word}}</b> </font size><br>

Back Template:

<hr id=answer>
<b><font size=5px"> {{Parts of Speech}}: {{Definition}}<br></font size></b>
{{#Example}}<hr><font size=3px"> {{Example}} </font size>{{/Example}}
{{#Synonym}}<hr><i><font size="3px"> Synonyms: {{Synonym}}</font size></i>{{/Synonym}}<br>


    .card {
     font-family: arial;
     text-align: left;
     color: black;
     background-color: white;

Edit: Deleting {{tts en_US:Word}} from the front template seems to be a temp fix to the issue but then i would loose tts in the windows version as well. Would be really good if i don´t have to use 3rd party addons for tts.

If AnkiDroid is unable to ignore the tts field, perhaps you can colour it in the same colour as the background to make it invisible.

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Thanks for the reply. It seems its a known issue, the discussion can be followed here Colouring to match the background seems a good idea as well.

Thanks again.