Formating/view of cards unusable after last update


I use the Android App for studying and I import my flashcards through 2anki. I create the flashcards through notion.
It was all working fine since the last update with the visual overhaul with the new version of Anki.
Now the formatting/view of the cards is pretty broken for me: Bullets or sentences are cut. After every 2-3 letters in each word there’s a line break. Pretty much impossible to use my cards now. I couldn’t find any settings to change this view.

Debug Info:

AnkiDroid Version = 2.18.0 (464cf290cc77c3f2c562cb03b408b78a13be261b)

Backend Version = 0.1.38-anki24.04.1 (24.04.1 ccd9ca1a8309b80bcb50ddc5d99c7ce63440bce9)

Android Version = 14 (SDK 34)

ProductFlavor = play

Manufacturer = samsung

Model = SM-S916B

Hardware = qcom

Webview User Agent = Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 14; SM-S916B Build/UP1A.231005.007; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/124.0.6367.179 Mobile Safari/537.36

ACRA UUID = 0532083b-2584-4c3c-9e9d-d297d922713f

FSRS Enabled = false

Crash Reports Enabled = true

Can you paste in the template you’re using?

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Hey, sure, if you tell me how :smiley:
I don’t what you are referring to exactly .

1 Like

Okay. Do you know the note type of your cards? If you open the card in the note editor or just click them in the card browser you’ll find that out.

Click on the three dots on top right of your deck screen then. Click on Manage note types. Find that note type. Click on it. Again open menu on top right. There’s a option to copy that in Markdown to the clipboard. Paste that thing here.

Here’s a simpler way to do that:

  • Open any of the affected cards in the editing mode.
  • Click the Cards: ... button at the bottom.
  • On the screen that opens, click the three dots at top right and click “Copy as Markdown”.
  • Paste the copied text here.

It would be nice to have such a feature in anki desktop.

1 Like

Is this sufficient?

Front template

<span class="front-text-pre">{{Front}}</span>

Back template

<span class="front-text-post">{{Front}}</span><hr id="answer"><span class="back-text">{{Back}}</span>


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* { font-size:55px}html,
body {
  text-align: center;

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You can try decreasing the font size. Add the following to the top of the styling section after opening Cards... as described above.

.mobile html {
	font-size: 35px;

If this is not sufficiently small, you can further decrease the font size.

By the way, I don’t think that this issue has anything to do with app update. It just seems to be an issue with the font size and/or excessive padding (white space around text and boxes).


Sorry for the late response!

Where exactly do I need to enter this css modification?
Because I tried it like the following:
Start study - Edit note - choose the bottom option “Cards: n2a-basic” (since thats my format style) and then modify the css file with the provided code.
Unfortunately that didn’t work.

I couldn’t do it your way since I didn’t achieve to get the markdown through the steps you provided in your second to last answer - I got on some other way, whoch I don’t even remeber anymore. I didn’t get the same options as in your steps somehow…

Sorry for the hassle man!

By “modify”, do you mean that you added the provided code to the top of the code that was already there?

Unfortunately that didn’t work.

If the answer to the above is “yes”, what happened after modifying the code and pressing the :heavy_check_mark: button to save? As I said before, you may need to further decrease the font size. For example, try changing 35px to 25px.

Also, can you click the preview (:eye:) button after clicking Edit note to check if the cards display correctly there?

Thanks a lit man for still trying to help!

Ye, I pasted the given code.

Unfortunately I can’t upload my screeneecording, but:
It basically changes nothing, I tried it with 10px as well. Had a look at the preview also saved it and had a look. No changes.

I have found the problem.

.mobile doesn’t work with html (I don’t know why).

So, use this instead

html {
	font-size: 35px;

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I’ve tried to implement the code, that you provided in the css-sheet, but this didn’t work either.
I also removed some paddings/margins as you said a couple of posts ago - this somewhat worked. The main problem ist stil the font size, which I’m uable to fix, even with your help :confused:

Have you looked at the 3rd place where formatting is applied – the field(s) that text is coming from? Open the HTML view < > above the fields.

As Danika said, look whether your fields contain any styling. However, since you are using AnkiDroid, you don’t need to press any additional icons to view the HTML content. Just click Edit note on a card.

Also, your styling code contains the following part near the end. It is badly written and Anki seems to ignore it. But, you can try removing it to see if it makes any difference.

* { font-size:55px}html,
body {
  text-align: center;

Damn, thanks!

I removed

{ font-size:55px}

and it worked, this was the issue.
The center alligment could be removed, but I kept it, since it looks better for me centered.

THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH, really I mean it.

Especially you vaibhav, thanks for still sticking with me and trying your best! <3

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