Feedback on the new graphs in Anki/AnkiMobile

Graphs looks great,
I used to share my progress sometimes in chat applications, with PDFs that not possible, would like to be able to save as an image again.
This is enough for me to use an older version.

Why isn’t it possible? The PDF is broken for me in night mode, but as long as I export from day mode it looks great.

Because images is displayed directly in both line and telegram directly in the chat, a PDF is something you have to open in another software, that’s dumb, so dumb in fact that it is enough for me to spend time setting up anki sync on my own server for the older version.

(reading this back, this feels ruder in english than my native tongue, this rudeness is not intended).

I misunderstood you. But as far as I know, the stats could only be exported as PDF before as well. If you want the old PDF with the more complete images you can press Shift while clicking on Stats.
But wouldn’t it be easiest to use a screenshot tool like Snipping Tool on Windows and directly copy the images from Anki?

It would be easier if printscreen would work, but I would also need taller screen, I actually tried this before installing 2.0.52

I don’t update often. Anki was perfected software and didn’t need new features for me, (apart from deck creation maybe). For me feedback on new graphs was from this version. I might have misunderstood the topics topic?

The change from png to pdf happened with Anki 2.1, as the old web toolkit was no longer supported, and the new one only supports pdf export.

Ah, I see.

That’s unfortunate. I tried to understand the source but I have never worked with Qt.
Hopefully the framework introduces png export.

Was unexpectedly easy to setup a custom sync service.

I recently got a new GUI on the Anki App. Under “Future Due”, I miss seeing both the number of future mature cards and future learning cards. Now I can only see one type of cards, as these two types have been merged on the graph. Is it possible to change that in the settings? I really don’t think an update that takes away info to the user is a good choice in general.


As above Ankidroid has now updated in line with the desktop and is causing me some issues with the stats screen:

a) You have to type the name of the deck to see specific deck stats (or else back out into the menu, select the deck, back out to the main deck menu, select the hamburger menu, select statistics - at least five presses) – old Ankidroid had a radio button menu to easily swap selected decks;

b) It’s a bit difficult to ‘easily’ see how many cards I have completed per deck per day or how many cards I have added recently (to be fair this was not perfect on old AnkiDroid but the statistics screen was an okay workaround). It would be nice if you could reorder your stats screen. [This is not strictly speaking related, but this would be some nice functionality to add to the overall deck menu so I could see it all in one place instead of having to check each deck’s statistics]

Also generally the stats screen now has a lot of screen padding. You can at least zoom in on it but it would be nice if it defaulted to an informative-zoom-view instead of a nice-to-look-at-but-hard-to-discern-actual-information view.