Feature Request: Disallow Deck Deletion

I use Anki on my runs, and for some reason I regularly happen to almost delete a deck by accident. I’d be enormously grateful if you could introduce a preference option that would allow one to block the right–left slide. I’m sure I’m not the only one to edit my cards exclusively on my laptop.

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In the latest app store release, deck deletion can be undone. Does that resolve the problem for you?

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I’m afraid not really. The problem is that I have more than a hundred decks, and if one of them is missing, I may easily not notice its absence for some time – say in the case of a language where I have nothing to review since I haven’t added a lot of cards lately.

It’s true I’ve deleted a deck only once, some two years ago. But the mere thought is unsettling. Last Sunday, for instance, a few hours before I submitted the ticket, I had again the red Delete button appear when I was running up a mountain… I just wish I could prevent myself from making such dramatic changes on my iPhone.

An on/off option such as “Deck Deletion Prevention” in the Editing window of Preferences would be ideal in my view – similar to the “Double Tap Prevention” in the Review window.

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Ok, thanks for the feedback, I’ll give it some thought.