Error sending request for url (): error trying to connect: the certificate was not trusted

I am using a mac computer. Every time I open and close the anki application, this notification pops up. “error sending request for url (): error trying to connect: the certificate was not trusted.”

I updated my computer, redownloaded anki. I wasnt able to find anything from google or previous questions regarding the certificate not being trusted.

I am a new user and am trying to figure it out but am just stuck. Looking for any advice,

This is extremely unlikely, but this report resembles Anki 2.0 support has ended - Frequently Asked Questions

Anki 2.1 releases can be found here, or if you are a homebrew user

This is likely caused by either a VPN/proxy/firewall/monitoring software running on your machine, or by a school/work network that is intercepting your connections.

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