I have the following fields on my note:
German (has text + audio)
Russian (has text + audio)
Example German:
ertragbar [ertragbar.mp3]
Example Russian:
терпимо [терпимо.mp3]
I study these notes with two card designs:
Card1: German → Russian
Card2: Russian → German
With these two card designs, I always get the text and the audio and whenever I cannot listen to audio for any reason, I just mute my phone or laptop.
But whenever I see the solution (Back), it first plays the audio of the Front card again and then the audio of the Back (obviously, as both fields contains both text and audio).
Is there a way to mute the audio of the Front card when I am on the Back side of the card and only hear the audio of the Back card so that I don’t have to hear the word that I am asked for twice (once when it’s on the Front and once when it’s on the Back again?)
I know that by chosing a card design where the audio is in a separate field, this problem can be mitigated, but that would mean for every card I would always have to move the sound part to a different field, which would mean many more clicks and keyboard presses. With my current card design it’s quite straightforward in combination with AwesomeTTS as it just appends the sound tag to the field.