Decks not appearing on Ankiweb - 504

I am having the same error as was reported two weeks ago here under the title " AnkiWeb, iOS, and Mac all fail to connect to Anki’s servers". Anyone else getting a 504 error when looking at their Decks on Ankiweb?

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The anki app is unable to connect to the internet.

![Screenshot 2024-12-03 at 5.44.14 PM|510x492](upload://6MD8F5mSyPaZpmLQ7VDh4WncUEx.png
giving me this error. not syncing not sure if it has to do with my computer or an anki issue

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sorry it did not upload on original post

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Before posting, please do the following:

This is error occurred when i click synchronize

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There is a different error after upgrading the app today

I made a post about this too, same error I hope they can get back to us soon, literally about to be finals week for me.

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same thing happening with me! but the error appearing for me is error 111
i’m getting kinda desperate cause i need to study and i can’t lose all my flashcards ahhh

One of AnkiWeb’s servers was experiencing problems. The issue should now be resolved.


It works now! Thank you very much!

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