Deck options are not preserved after importing decks (v25.02)

When exporting a deck with the “Include deck options” setting enabled, and then importing the deck into another profile, the original deck options are not correctly restored. Instead, the options revert to default values.

I encountered this issue on macOS, specifically using Anki version 25.02. I recall that in earlier versions, deck options imported correctly without reverting to default settings, suggesting this might be a regression introduced in the recent update.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Export a deck with “Include deck options” checked.
  2. Import the exported deck into Anki on another profile or device.

Expected behavior:

The imported deck should retain the original deck options/settings.

Actual behavior:

After importing, the deck options revert to default settings, ignoring the exported custom options.

Additional Information:

  • This issue was reproduced on macOS.
  • I don’t recall seeing this behavior prior to version 25.02; it might have been introduced in that update.

Anki Version: 25.02
Operating System: macOS

This seems identical to the issue you posted about a few days ago, so I have merged your posts.

I don’t seem to be able to reproduce this on win or linux. A point worth noting is that when importing, existing presets (with the same id, not just name) won’t be updated

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