How can I copy text that is italic and paste it while it remains italic in Anki
Whatever you pick up in your copy buffer when you copy it will be there when you paste it into Anki. However, what you pick up in your copy buffer is controlled mostly by where you copy it from, sometimes by how much text you copy, and likely by your OS to a certain extent. Some text you see is “actually” formatted, some text is only displayed to appear formatted – computers often draw a distinction between the two.
Give a link to an example where you think anki is behaving incorrectly.
I think you are right. I tried it with the Anki card editor and it works, but with the addon (Edit Cards during Review), it doesn’t work. Do you know any work around perhaps
No. I’m not even sure what your test case demonstrated, or what you’re trying to work around.
The 1st line is the original text in italic. i copied an pasted it in the editor (2nd line) and it worked.
I tried to do the same inside the front view of the card (Editing during Review) in the 3rd and 4th line and it failed (4th line).
Copy-paste within the note Editor (from Editor, to Editor) is a special case that will (nearly) always work, because (1) it will always be HTML formatted, and (2) Anki assumes you have the formatting set how you want it, so it will try to maintain it.
I’m not familiar with that add-on or what its copy-paste functionality is.
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