Collection.anki2 in exported .apkg file

I am trying to access to a collection.anki2 which I get from extracting a Exported .apkg file, but instead of hundreds of records I have in original deck, I only get 1 record in exported database:

  • The original collection.anki2 under my profile directory has 16mb data (/Users/myName/Library/Application Support/Anki2/User 1) and I can access to all my recored using cli/sqlite3

  • I exported the same Deck and selected all export options:


  • I extracted the exported apkg file and this is the content:

The size of exported collection.anki2 is 40kb and it only has one row that says Please update to the latest Anki version, then import the .colpkg/.apkg file again.

  • I am using the lated Anki version for macOs (Version <U+2068>24.04.1 (ccd9ca1a)<U+2069>)

  • Tried to access to collection.anki2 db using cli too and this is the output of col.sched.deck_due_tree() command

new_count: 1
total_including_children: 1
children {
  deck_id: 1
  name: "Default"
  level: 1
  collapsed: true
  new_count: 1
  new_uncapped: 1
  total_in_deck: 1
  total_including_children: 1

Any help is greatly appreciated

An apkg file is intended to be exported and then imported back into Anki. If you want to access your database as a file directly (for some reason), there’s no need to export it first.


collection.anki2 is a dummy for older clients trying to import the file. collection.anki21 contains the actual collection data, though compressed with zstd, if I recall correctly.

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