Cloze one by one uncovering

hi, sorry the problem that 1st card reveal 1st answer and 2nd card reveal two answer and go on for 3, 4, 5 still here.

but the mouse click one works perfect!

and this keeps the normal anki cloze appearance so is more simplistic than other solutions.

i will stay with this one, even the 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 problem is not fixed, thanks

I tried this as well, created on desktop and reviewing on AnkiDroid. For my purposes, I just made everything c1, so I really just have one card with a bunch of clozes on it. For me this works exactly as described.

its good but for me, 1st card will reveal cloze one by one,
then 2nd card will reveal two by two, and 3456 so on. is it my problem or do you notice too? thx

EDIT: Corrected to say AnkiDroid not AnkiMobile

@krstoevan I only had one card because I made everything c1 in my note.
I created a new note, that used c1, c2, c3, then I realized incremental cloze would only make sense if I had multiple c1’s, c2’s, etc.
So I created a new note, like this:

{{c1::kingdom}}, {{c1::phylum}}, {{c2::class}}, {{c2::order}}, {{c3::family}}, {{c3::genus}}, {{c3::species}}

Then I realized something. The tap anywhere feature, for me, only works on mobile (AnkiDroid), not on the desktop version or at least clicks don’t do anything, I don’t have a touch screen laptop. On AnkiDroid, I had been tapping on the individual cloze, which displays only the one word that I tap. If I tap anywhere, it displays one word at a time, for any of the 3 cloze cards.

I had another thought too. Since I think you would least two versions of this Cloze (incremental) note type at this point (whereas I only downloaded the new one), try changing note type to the other one, maybe you are using the previous one.


actually quite obvious it reveal more and more after each run,
but that’s ok for me, thanks

hi, @ollevolle you are my hero!

Just wanna tell you that i found your newest trial is amazing, it worked with “details” html tag:




I can say it’s a complete NEW LEVEL!

btw, even thru it got the problem of clicking anywhere will reveal 1 cloze in 1st card, 2 cloze on 2nd, 3 on 3rd and so on; for me i only click right at the cloze so it didn’t affect me.

as you see the “details” tag also tolerate images!


below is an addon i just found today that makes adding “details” tags easier.

thank you.

ps: i’ll ask is it possible to DISABLE the click anywhere feature? i don’t need it and it drag behind indeed, thanks

ps2: just tried, a “detail” inside a “cloze” also worked!

this is very useful for OSCE type questions! as you didn’t get the previous Q correct, you cant proceed to the next Q.

@krstoevan I’ve tried to reproduce the problem you have with reveal 2-3-4 clozes at every click to no avail. Please download the latest version from github and check if you see ‘version 1.5’ in the comment at the beginning of the card script after you replaced previous card type with the new one.

I’ve added an option that disables ‘click anywhere feature’. Set value of the variable disableBodyClick = true; to disable it.

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hi, thx for the fix and bonus disable feature.

  1. for v1.5, i don’t see the reveal 2-3-4 problem now, thx

  2. for versions before 1.5, i just tried with a test portable copy of my anki, with addons removed by run with shift. they do will reveal 1 in 1st, 2 in 2nd, 3 in 3rd etc (deck->study deck). so i’ll suggest others to begin /w v1.5

ps: recently i only use v2.1.54

thank you.

the disable function is esp good for people like me, that have hyperlink in the cloze; otherwise when i click the 1st link, the below cloze may got revealled accidentally.

so, thanks

some extra request pls only think on it when you free:

recently i try to use obsidian_to_anki to make anki cards.
it allow choosing note types.

i tried direclty choosing the v1.5 template but the resulting cloze cant be revealed one by one, it behave like original cloze.

  1. then i tried to choose the build-in cloze (of cause ok), then i use ctrl-shift-m to change it’s note type into v1.5 template. but the resulting cloze is still not one by one.

and when i try to ADD a new v1.5 template type card/note, of cause it works, as it worked for several months.

that could be a hard problem as it involve multi party: anki, obsidian, anki-connect, obsidian_to_anki.

I am rather new to anki, i don’t know how to export a card/note otherwise i could made them and let you see the resulted cards to analyze…

currently i’ll copy paste to make new card/notes then


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