Have a picture or sample note? That description tells me nothing 
Initial Struggle
Well, I can only guess which add-on you mean, so I did a Google search. Is it this one? https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/1202404083
That guess was wrong, click to expand if you're interested
I don’t really know what that add-on is supposed to be doing, because it doesn’t work on my Anki version and I’m not keen on downgrading just for that.
Extract from the add-on page:
For each cloze you add this add-on copies the whole text. So if you paste 1000 words into the first field of an enhanced cloze note and do 20 clozes the note will have ultimately 21000 words. If you do this often the size of your database will increase substantially.
That alone is a big no-go and tells me that it isn’t a great idea to begin with. That note type also depends on jQuery, which makes it harder to maintain. Vanilla JS is always better. I stripped out all the redundant HTML of that note type, added my script + some CSS and uploaded it to AnkiWeb: https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/807643868
I just found the note type you meant on the AnKing’s Google Drive folder. @brianndiep Next time, please provide a link/picture/video, so whoever wants to help you doesn’t have to work on wild guesses (mostly my fault for not investigating further, though).
Regarding that note type
That “Cloze one by one 2.1” note type is quite the mess. I don’t know what to make of it, tbh. It would be easier for me to create a note type from scratch than to refactor that AnKing note type.
Is there any advantage to having these boxes? I can only see one big disadvantage: Because the boxes differ in length, your mind will just take the easy route and memorize the shape of the box instead of the context of the cloze.
Spacebar won’t work because that’s reserved by Anki. I already showed you how you can define your own keys to uncover the clozes one by one (in the example above, it was H and G, because that’s what you mentioned in your initial post).
This sample note type I shared on AnkiWeb uses Tab for incremental reveal and ^ for full reveal (seemed like the way to go on my keyboard layout, yours might differ).