Choice of field(s) to check for duplicates

Given this part of the manual, it seems that the only solution to have another than the first field be checked for duplicates is to change the order of the fields.
I fully understand this and as a solution for my problem in the mean time, I did it, but I consider that it could be significantly improved and that’s why I’m making this suggestion.
I would like to be able to choose which field is checked for each notetype (default still being the first one), and I would like to be able to choose multiple ones.
Idk about the code part, but for the UI it would be pretty simple to integrate as we could just add a check box in the fields dialog (see picture) and it could be activated and deactivated for each field individually.


I would very much appreciate this, too. It would be useful for, for example, homographs. For these, I use a second field that hints as to the meaning for which I’m testing. E.g., to test English > Language being learned for the English word “bug” I have a second field (“Usage Hint”) that contains either “entomology” or “CS”. And of course the answer field contains the correct translation for that meaning of “bug” in the language being learned.

I have several other use cases of this type, some involving more than one additional field.

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