Child decks don't follow parent deck's rules

I recently switched to the iOS version of Anki from Android because I got an iPhone at work.

Ever since switching to this version (I still use the desktop app in conjunction with the iOS version) my child decks have stopped following my parent deck’s rules. What I mean by this is that I have a 70 reviews /day limit on one card, but the child deck’s daily reviews bring the entire deck package well above 70, leading me to reviewing more than the daily amount I want to. Another really fucking bizzare thing I have happen is that I can limit the daily review of the parent deck to 0, but it won’t affect the children. However, if I limit any of the children to 0, it removes all reviews for the entire deck collection. It’s like it just doesn’t recognise the parent deck as parent.

Only thing I remember happening when switching to iPhone is being asked to update something, but I don’t remember exactly what.

Can anyone help?

Might be about V3 scheduler, see 2021 Scheduler

If your deck has subdecks, each deck can optionally be assigned a different preset. When Anki shows a card, it will check which subdeck the card is in, and use the options for that deck. There are some exceptions:

You might need to apply your preset to all subdecks (Anki desktop)

Save to all subdecks. Like Save, but also assigns the selected preset to all subdecks of the currently selected deck.

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More specifically: The Anki v3 scheduler - Frequently Asked Questions

Thank you, both. I will take a look at it when I have a free moment.

I finally have a moment away from work to take a look at this.

I do not see a setting that specifically says “Save to all subdecks”. In the options for each deck I can click manage → “set for all subdecks”, and it should apply the settings to each subcdeck. I set the review limit to 70 for the parent deck, and all children then have a daily limit of 70 reviews. What I want is for the entire parent/child combo to be max 70 reviews per day. It used to be like this before I got Anki for my iPhone. How do I get this back?

Latest version

Already mentioned, but take a look at Deck Options - Anki Manual

I was stubbornly using an older version of Anki for some beloved add-ons. I upgraded to the latest version and I’ve used “save to all subdecks”, however the problem persists. The parent and every subdeck is limited to 70, but the reviews are not evenly spread out.

I’ve read the differences between V1-V3 of the scheduler. I don’t know which version I’m on. I only know that V3 scheduler is not ticked for me. I don’t know if I understand it correctly, but am I correct in assuming that what I’m asking for is not possible in the current version of Anki? I did a test by doing 70 reviews in the parent. There were still 60+ reviews for several of the subdecks. In the past, after doing 70 of the parent reviews, there were no reviews left in the subdecks. This is what I want. V2 and V3 seem like they do not allow this. Is this correct?

You can enable v3 scheduler in preferences in both desktop and ios

Limits are applied from the deck you select, so if you select a child deck, its parents’ limits will not apply.
Daily limits (V3 Scheduler)

also, with v3 enabled, you can change how your reviews are handled

I feel like my main question is consistently not getting answered, so I’m just gonna keep asking it until I get a clear answer.

What I want is for the entire parent/child combo to be max 70 reviews per day. It used to be like this before I got Anki for my iPhone. How do I get this back?

If you set the parent deck to a maximum of 70 reviews, and click on the parent deck, you’ll get a maximum of 70 reviews. The deck list shows you how many cards you’ll get from a given deck if you click on that deck, and not how many cards you’ll get from that deck if you click on the parent. If you’re using the v3 scheduler, the distribution of cards you’ll get depends on the gather order you’ve selected. Does that answer your question?

No. It feels like I’m getting an answer to a question I didn’t ask.

Do you understand my question?

Reading your question I would have given the exact answer as Dae and given the exact links as Namelessgo. Maybe you can try to explain your problem better.

A screenshoot with the results you are actually getting vs the result you expect would probably be helpful to understand what you’re trying to say.

I will try.

Fix your eyes on Japanese vocab and all its subdecks. I have written a 70 next to Japanese vocab because I already did my 70 reviews of the main deck this morning.

I will try to explain it as succinctly as possible: I only want to do 70 reviews of Japanese vocab and all of it’s children per day. I want the sum of the daily reviews of my main deck/subdeck collection to be a certain number, in my case 70. Don’t ask why, it’s just a number I decided on arbitrarily.

However, as you can see I have already done my 70 reviews of Japanese vocab for the daily but there are still 205 reviews left of this entire pile. Before when I did my 70 reviews of Japanese vocab, it would give me a certain number of cards from each child and grandchild, and when I was done with Japanese vocab there would be no more reviews left for that entire pile. But now, the the sum of my reviews for the main deck and my subdecks exceed the limit. I am trying to figure out why.

Am I making sense?

My apologies, but I cannot take a screenshot of what I except because I cannot reproduce in the programme what I expect.

This is explained in the previous answer from Dae: you have clicked on the “Japase vocab” deck (max 70 reviews) and have done 70 reviews. These 70 reviews were taken from all the child decks, following your gather order setting on “Japanese vocab”.

You can still see cards to review on the child decks because there are still cards to review on then child decks. Since you have choosen to do only 70 reviews from a total of (70+205)=275 reviews you had this morning, there are still 205 reviews left for today. You can do these reviews by clicking on the child decks or by using the “Custom Study” feature if you want.


This is normal behaviour in scheduler v3, and it’s a good idea. Why would you want Anki to tell you that you have finished reviewing all your cards when you have not?

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Why would you want Anki to tell you that you have finished reviewing all your cards when you have not?

The same reason that I’m setting my review limit for Japanese vocab to 70: because I only want to review 70 vocab cards every day. I have limited time, but I don’t want to stop studying all together, so I set a limit. It doesn’t matter that I don’t finish all my reviews every day: I just don’t want to see the reviews I have yet to do.

I consider the subdecks to be part of the Japanese vocab deck, and before I migrated to this latest version, so did Anki. Now, it seems as if Anki treats them more like separate decks. I do not like this.

But you have answered my question:

This is normal behaviour in scheduler v3, and it’s a good idea

I cannot achieve the result I want because that is not how the latest version functions. That’s sad, but I will have to live with it. It seems that what I want is the v1 scheduler, which unfortunately I need an older version of Anki to use.

Thanks for answering my question.

I’ve never used v1, but if it worked the way you describe, you can definitely do your 70 review /day exactly the same way you did with v1. Just ignore the pending reviews you can see in the subdecks and eventually you’ll catch up. This is something I, and many other users do all the time

If you’re right about v1, the only difference with v3 is that now you can see the remaing reviews in subdecks, while with v1 you couldnt (just because you can’t see them doesn’t mean they’re not there)

If you only ever study from the top deck and don’t want to see the counts of the children, you can collapse the deck to hide the child decks from view.

Ok, I hadn’t understood that so far. In that case it might work out in the end. The problem is that it’s still psychology defeating to me to me see unfinished reviews just lying there. I could do what Dae suggests and just collapse the pile, but as you can see in my response to him that still doesn’t quite satisfy my needs.

That’s not quite what I’m saying, but I don’t fault you for making that conclusion.

I don’t only ever study from the top deck. So like I said, the reviews from the subdecks used to make up the sum of the reviews of the top deck. When I studied from the top deck I would get a nice mix of cards from every subdeck. But, sometimes I didn’t want the flow of studying just vocab to be interrupted by grammar, cause it has longer sentences with clozes, and N1 grammar is taxing. So, sometimes I would study from grammar just to get it over with, then move on to N1 vocab, then Persona 5 etc. until finally going back into the top deck, where I still have thousands of miscellaneous cards from before I subdivided my decks, and I finished the last 10 and then I was done for the day.

I can’t do that anymore because I end up doing so many more reviews than I want to. So yes, the second best thing would be to just collapse and ignore, but I miss the way it worked until recently. And by until recently I mean until the iPhone version finally made me graduate from deprecated versions of the programme.

If you review some cards in a subdeck, the count of the parent deck will decrease. If you want to study specific subdecks and really don’t want to go over 70 reviews/day in total, you could return to the deck list after a while and check the top deck’s count to see how many you have left of your quota. I’m afraid that’s the best I can offer - there were technical reasons behind the change, and reverting to the old behaviour would break the workflow of other people who wish to cap the top deck but be able to study more from subdecks after the limit has been reached.

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