if I look into my Card Management (Kartenmanagement) and press the card sorting after alphabet, there are always some mistakes. So all in all it is sorted after the alphabet, but some cards are at the wrong position. Even if I delate the first words of the card and write them new, the problem is still the same. I have the latest version of Anki for mac and the problem has been the same in the versions before (but maybe a year ago it wasn’t).
Is there something I can do?
It is the Sort Field column, that’s right. Unfortunately it is not related to not-Latin text. The problem appears even with numbers.
E.g. it is sorting “1a”, then “5”, then “1b”, then “2”, then “3”, then “4”.
Does it mean that it will sort “Hello 2 apple” before “Hello 1 book” because it ignores the numbers? Or should it be possible here because of the blank space?
I know that sorting column issues in the card browser have been reported in the past but wanted to bring it up again. Below is an example of the erratic behavior of the sorting algorithm.