Can't sync AnkiMobile (which is the same as Ankiweb) with Anki on MacBook

Hello, I use Anki on my Mac (Anki desktop) and iPhone (an official app). I’ve noticed that I’ll finish all of my reviews on Mac, but when I look at my iPhone, it says that I still have Due cards to complete (some are green and some are blue). Mismatch is not big (only a few cards, eg, 3 cards are green and 3 cards are blue). Even though I always synchronize before and after reviewing cards on all devices. I’ve checked AnkiWeb and it’s the same as on my iPhone. I have only one add-on (an official AMBOSS add-on).
The versions of Anki on Mac and iPhone are the newest.
Anki on Mac version: 24.11
Anki on iPhone version: 24.11
I try to do my Anki every day but I often change the time when the next day starts (preferences → review). For example, when I can’t finish reviewing cards before I go to sleep, I change the time when the next day starts (from 4 am to 1 pm) so I can finish reviewing cards the next day before 1 pm.
I’m desperate at this point not knowing what’s happening. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Is this just before and after reviewing? It needs to be before and after doing anything – note edits, settings changes, etc. – so, when you open the app, and when you close/leave the app, on every device, every time. If you have cards getting out of sync, edits are often the reason why.

First, stop doing that. There’s no reason to be moving your next-day starts time back and forth like that. You can study those unfinished cards just fine the next day. It’s not like Anki penalizes you for being late.

After you stop that, do a full round of syncing (without making any other changes) to get your devices back in sync. That means sync your Mac, then your iPhone, then your Mac again [it doesn’t matter which you do first, as long as you repeat the first one at the end].

If there is still a mismatch after that – find the Card Info for a card that doesn’t match, and give us screenshots of that from each device.

Desktop: Statistics - Anki Manual
AnkiMobile: With the card on the study screen – :gear:Tools > Card Info. [Take the screenshots in landscape mode so we can see all the columns.]

Hello! Thank you so much for answering! Today is the next day and for some reason the cards on AnkiMobile are the same as on my Mac. Yesterday I reviewed all my cards on my Mac first and then on my iPhone (what was left - a mismatch) before going to sleep (It was before I’ve got your reply). And now I can see that there is no mismatch today. And I didn’t do anything (I just opened Anki on my Mac and my iPhone).
But I’m not really relieved because the same thing’s already happened a few days ago. There was a mismatch and I had to review the cards on my Mac and then on my iPhone (what was left - the mismatch) but the next day the mismatch was gone. But the mismatch appeared again in a few days (it was yesterday).
I noticed that yesterday’s mismatch consisted of cards that were due to 2025-01-29 (they were buried on my Mac but not on my iPhone) and cards that were due to 2025-01-30 (they were buried on my Mac but not on my iPhone). That’s why the amount of cards on my iPhone that I had to review yesterday was bigger than on my Mac. Yesterday I reviewed the mismatch cards that were due to 2025-01-29 and buried the ones that were due to 2025-01-30.
I have options “bury new siblings” and “bury review siblings” enabled but not “bury interday learning siblings” because I don’t really understand that last one.
Can I answer again in a few days If/when the mismatch appears again, please? I will attach the screenshots with cards info.
Thanks again for replying to me! I really appreciate it!

Sure. That will give you time to follow the rest of the advice I gave you above.

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