Cannot reset password, non-working link sent to email

I have tried many times over the past week to reset the password for Anki Web so that I can sync my phone and PC versions of Anki. The same sequence occurs each time.

I first received an email notifying me of the need to verify my email address on Anki Web. I also get a notification when using Anki on the PC that I cannot sync until my email is verified on Anki Web.

I cannot recall my most recent password on Anki Web, so I attempt the “reset password” procedure by clicking on the tab. This sends an email to me, but when I click on the link (“reset password”) it takes me briefly to an error message that says something to the effect of “Invalid link, please try again” and then returns to the same “reset password” page. Each time I try again three or four times until I receive an error message saying that I have tried to many times.

I have gone through this procedure about four times over the past week.

I have searched the forums and the help sections in Anki, to the best of my ability, but have not found anything that exactly relates to my problem, which leads me to believe that it is somehow unique to my situation.

Please advise.

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Have you tried –

  • Clearing your cache and cookies for
  • Copy-pasting the link instead of clicking it?
  • Pasting the link in an incognito/private browser window, or in a different browser?

Yes. I have tried all of the above.

I have cleared all browsing data, including cookies, several times, for all websites, including

With your advice I have also done the following this morning:
I tried pasting instead of clicking – just now – twice, with the same result.
I have tried using the incognito window and the MS Edge browser, with the same result.

But after trying the last two options, it now tells me I have tried too many times. I will try again shortly, but the “invalid” error message appeared in all cases first.

Will it help to share the link with you?



If attempting another reset doesn’t work, after trying one time, please copy and paste the link in our private support area or send us a private message (careful - don’t share it publicly!). I suspect you’re accidentally missing characters from the end, or including trailing characters that shouldn’t be there.


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