May I please get some help with this, I have done all the “found a bug?” troubleshooting steps, have searched it on Google & Reddit also. I have also uninstalled & reinstalled Anki on both my computer (windows) and AnkiDroid. I have checked media, database, and even rescheduled and repositioned cards. Therefore my entire deck should be from scratch.
Here’s what I want to do - because just maybe your solution is something different than what I’m trying to do. I want to review my “young & learn” cards to make them into “mature” cards faster OR what would even work for me is to increase my new & review cards in my deck settings so I just review once per day and that’s it and not worry about “custom study” settings. (whatever solution is easier for you to help me fix please)
I currently have 151 “young and learn” cards in my German - Vocab deck, this is a subdeck for my overall “German” deck, which includes a “Grammar” subdeck and an “iTalki” subdeck. What I am doing is clicking on my Vocab deck and then “custom study” - “modify today’s review card limit” and that number is ALWAYS 0.
*Before I proceed, this number was STILL 0 even before I had reset my deck, and I had a few hundred mature cards and several hundred (500 plus) young cards.
This happens on both Anki and AnkiDroid, shouldn’t that number be 151? I have tried to do this by clicking the “master deck” and doing the same, and that number is still 0.
I have tried to Google this issue, I have searched on reddit also, and have found no luck.
To attempt to help you out better, my master deck settings are
Steps (in minutes) 10,60,720,1440
Order - show me new cards in random order
New cards / day - 50
Max reviews / day - 9,999
Easy Bonus / Interval modifier / Max. interval / Hard interval are all the default anki settings
Bury related reviews until next day is checked
If you could please assist me in fixing, I would sincerely appreciate it. I am trying to learn German and I primarily use Anki for my learning.