Can you test card fields separately in subdecks?

Hello! :grin:

I have a deck with cards for learning Zhuyin, an alphabet for Mandarin, that has multiple fields as follows:

Let’s say I want to make different decks which are subsets of these fields to learn different things more atomically. For example:

  • A: A deck to learn how to read and pronounce Zhuyin
  • B: A deck to learn the Pinyin → Zhuyin and Zhuyin → Pinyin
  • C: A deck to learn to be able to write the Zhuyin symbol from the sound
  • D: A deck to learn Zhuyin → IPA

I also want to make the most out of the FSRS scheduler, so I imagine you would work through one subset deck at a time after at least adding all of a deck’s cards in to the review rotation.

Is this currently possible? Are there any features in Anki or addons that can do this? Otherwise this seems like a export & import spreadsheet job.


It’s going to matter a few lines from now, so I’ll clarify up front – the thing in your screenshot that has fields is a note (not a card).

I think what you just described are multiple card types, which you can teach your note type how to make out of each note you add to Anki. For each card type you design, you choose what fields of the note (and what other text or images) get put on the front and back templates. For instance, my default note type will make up to 7 cards.

And sure, they can be put in separate decks/subdecks if you like. You can use those decks (and your Deck Options) to control which cards are introduced and how fast. As far as FSRS, it’s up to you whether these subdecks use the same or different parameters and desired retention.

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