Can I disable the system of new cards + review cards etc. somehow?

Hello, I would like to disable the new card/review card feature in Anki, my goal is to get Anki to show every card in current deck with the same random chance. Which means there would be no intervals, no review cards, no introduction of new cards, no delays, no limits, no lapses. So basically nothing, just random picks from the deck. What should I do in order to achieve that?
(I have Win7 + Anki 2.1.49)

I would use a filtered deck with no reschedule:

You can also consider using preview move in the browser.


Thank you, I didn’t know about the first one. However, the second one (preview in the browser) doesn’t work, since it’s not randomized.

You can randomize your new cards: browser > select cards > reposition.

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Got it, many thanks!

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