Bug: Spontanious history lost of some cards

This calendar view completly blue 2 days ago. Now its scattered. The other statistics elements which also use the history of the cards are also scattered. All the decks and cards are still there. And for learning it still works, but the statistics are useless now. Is this a known problem? And it hurts a bit, the streak looked so beautiful …

Thanks for any help in resolving this!

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Could it be that you are not looking at the statistics of your entire collection, but only those of a subdeck?

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Hi, I also have the same problem. My calendar view was completely blue a few days ago, now it has white spots:

Also, I have 1 deck and 0 subdecks so it can’t be that I’m looking only the stats of a subdeck.

@Thasio @Parasite

It sounds like you’ve both considered this already, but have you made any changes to your collection lately – deleting notes, deleting/archiving decks, removing cloze markers and empty cards, etc.?

Presumably when you click on the empty day, it doesn’t jump you into the Browse window because it says there are 0 reviews. But try clicking on the day before and day after to see if you see anything interesting about the revlogs on those days.

The #1 thing that can cause a day to be come empty (or an empty day to become non-empty) – while looking at the exact same review history – is for the definition of “a day” to change. This can be due to changing time zones, seasonal time changes, or changing the next-day-starts time.

Imagine the only review you did on a certain “day” was at 3:55am, and your next-day-start is at 4am. The time of that review log is fixed, so if you move the next-day-start to 3am, that review switches to the next day. If you travel at least 1 time zone away or your seasonal time changes by an hour in the right direction, that review switches to the next day. [I’ll only muddle things by trying to say which direction – time changes are my kryptonite.]

Did anything like that happen for you recently? If you changed your next-day-starts – change it back. The best cure for time zone is to just wait until you travel back. The best cure for seasonal time is to make sure your next-day-starts is buried deep in your sleeping hours, so you’ll never bump up against it.

If nothing like that happened to you recently, have you tried running Tools > Check Database?

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Omg you are right! I forgot that in my country recently we had a seasonal time change, we went from 3am → 2am and if I change the next-day-start time 4am → 3am, the white spots get filled and everything goes back to normal. Thank you for the help!


Nope. I always check that the current deck is the right one.

Yeah, you are right. The reviews moved to the neighbour days and we changed to winter time this weekend… After changing next-day-stats everything is fine again.

Thanks a lot :slight_smile:

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