Weird card history

Can anyone explain why this card has only 3 reviews but 6 in history? This is a card that I created myself. I probably did something, but I don’t remember. I am pretty sure I didn’t reset the card. All I can think of is that I changed the deck it was in. Does that affect it?

It looks like it was reset somehow – just changing the deck wouldn’t do it.

It could be a syncing issue – although that would suggest that your didn’t sync your devices for a couple of months. It could also be something done with an add-on – there are some that change the current state of the card but don’t make a “manual” entry in the review log themselves.

I sync my collection basically every day. These are the add-ons I have installed:


Here’s another card:

Isn’t the number of reviews supposed to be 5 and not 4?

I just realized in the second picture that I have two reviews of the same card on 05/01/2024 that are 22 minutes apart. Yea, I think it might be the way that I am changing decks that is the issue.


I took inspiration from SuperMemo ability to set the forgetting index for each individual flashcard. So, to mimic something similar to that in Anki, I created 3 deck presets with the only difference being the FSRS desired retention rate. On my card template, I show the subdeck that the card belongs to on the backside using {{Subdeck}}. This tells me the desired retention of the card. Before I rate the card, I change the deck through the browser. I haven’t done this that many times, but could that be the issue?

I think it’s one of your add-ons that’s showing an extra revlog. The card info clearly notes that there are only 4 revlog entries (but you have 5 for some reason). Can you reproduce this issue by changing decks?

And I assume the parameters are optimised on all parent deck cards? Or is it only the subdeck cards?

I am not sure what you’re doing. Before you rate any of your card, what deck do you change it to, on on the basis of what? (@expertium do you know about this SM feature)

Also, probably unrelated, but there was a bug where changing deck of a card in learn state didn’t affect it’s next intervals. I suggest you update to the latest 24.06.3 version.

I’m not sure what he means either

Has that happened before? I will try to recreate it.

I think I only ran FSRS optimization once. I don’t remember what deck I did it for.

Here’s a short article about it: Forgetting index in SuperMemo - But, it’s basically the exact opposite of the desired retention. So, if you have a desired retention of 90%, you have a forgetting index of 10%.

In SuperMemo, each flashcard has it’s own forgetting index. So, to mimic that I created 3 decks with the only difference being the desired retention, so that if I want to set the desired retention of a card all I need to do is change the deck it belongs too. The EVERTHING parent deck has a desired retention of 87% because that’s my default.

My rationale behind doing this is to space out the different types of flashcards. So, if I am learning something for a course, I would put it under the 93% retention rate and then when I finish the class, I would depriortize it and put it under the 87% retention rate. I generally am planning on putting practice problems in the 80% retention rate to avoid seeing long practice problems frequently. So, something like complete this proof would go into that deck, but the mini skills I need for it would go into the other decks.

Will do.

I don’t think that moving a card to a different deck/preset would add an extra review to the history. Using “Reschedule cards on change” does, but it says Manual under Type, so that’s not the case. Idk man.

Do you know what numbers contribute to the Reviews metric? I am getting weird numbers across my collection.

This says 8, but I have 10? Would Manual count as a review?

Here’s another:

I just realized something. This isn’t my original profile. I imported a bunch of cards to it from the other profile I had. I am pretty sure I selected keep repetition history, but if I didn’t could this explain what I am seeing?

My collection is extremely small right now (I could finish my entire collection in less than a couple of days). I have been using SRS for about 3 months consistently. So, I want to reset my cards and start paying careful attention to my review history and see if I can reproduce the error. How can I actually delete all the review history of a card? I sometimes reset the card but that doesn’t remove the history with it.

These two are likely just fine, because of that Manual entry. It’s followed by Learn in both cases, so that looks like it is a Forget/Reset (Browsing - Anki Manual), which has the option to reset the count of reps to 0. If that’s what happened, these would then both correctly have 8 reps. (The Filtered reviews with scheduling turned off don’t count.)

Merging collections could definitely cause that, just like not syncing them for a few months. A card that was active in one profile and New in the other profile could be left New if that was the most recent version of the card.

I really don’t think you need to do that. It’s unlikely you’re going to be able to reproduce this with ordinary use, it’s probably not something that’s “fixable,” since Anki is acting as expected, and it’s definitely not worth losing your review history over.

There’s no way to do that with built-in functionality inside Anki. There may be add-ons that purport to do it – but I would tread very carefully with any of them, because database manipulation is harder than many people think.

If you’re determined to do it, the easiest way is to export the deck(s) as an apkg without scheduling, delete the notes/cards/decks from your profile (or start over with a fresh profile), and then import the apkg clean.

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I did this and I still get the review history associated with it. When I search online I see a couple of people using add-ons. Is that the only way?

I don’t see how the review history could still be there, because there’s nowhere in that process for it to hide.

  • Are you exporting without scheduling information?
  • Are you using the same profile, and did you delete everything before re-importing? [I thought more about this, and you might not be able to clean up the profile enough. Might need to be a new profile.] Or are you using a fresh profile?
  • Are you importing without scheduling information?

I ended up using this add-on: I think it was created by @dae. Everything looks good so far!

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