Bug report: wrong due number on new cards after repositioning multiple cards

Hi there,

As per instructions on the GitHub repo, I’m posting a bug report here. Unsure if it’s the right category, I couldn’t find a ‘Bug’ subsection.

Version ⁨24.04.1 (ccd9ca1a)⁩
Python 3.9.18 Qt 6.6.2 PyQt 6.6.1

Steps to follow:

  • browse cards
  • select multiple cards
  • reposition them, shifting position of existing cards

Now, when creating a new card in this deck, its Due number is not the final one, so the new card appears after the location/number where the previous last card was, rather than after the current last card.

I tried restarting Anki, to no avail. I haven’t extensively tested this, and it might only appear when the multiple cards are repositioned towards the end of the deck? I’m not sure…

If you Reposition cards, and shift the position of existing cards, wouldn’t the end-of-queue stay in the same place?

If you have cards 1-10, your next card would be 11. If you reposition card 8-10 to be cards 2-4 then cards 2-7 will move up to be cards 5-10. And your next card would still be 11.

If that’s not what you’re doing, you might need to describe this more specifically, or show some screenshots of what is going wrong.

The other 2 things you might want to try first are –

Thanks for your answer! Yes indeed, the end-of-queue should still be 11. It’s super strange, what was happening, the new cards would just not appear at the end of the queue any more, but a few cards before the end (duplicating the number, so e.g. I would have two 4582, say, instead of the en-of-queue being a higher number, then two 4583…). I then did some additional reshuffling and now things seem to be working as they should, so I’ll post screenshots if I see something odd happening again!

Got it. Definitely run a Check Database, because it sounds like the end-of-queue just needed an update.


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