Browser Search Box: Quick Insert Tag, Deck, Notetype [Official thread]

@LouisWu : Thanks for the report. That’s strange. It has worked for me and other people so far - the user AnKingMed diligently checks each new Anki version for problems with this add-on and reports problems he finds. But he hasn’t reported anything in the last weeks.

Could you manually check for add-on updates to see if you get a new version and if so install it and restart it. Have you recently updated Anki?

If this doesn’t help: Could you give me exact steps on how to reproduce your problem.

It is definitely working for me on 2.1.44 (with some small issues with a couple buttons). I wonder if the user is saying this because the searchdialog button isn’t there

additional filter dialogs

Any chance to add one for flag? I suggest the pop-up box utilize the name of the colors also, and not the number. Cheers

that’s a great suggestion. I’ve added it to my todo list. I hope to find some time in early March to implement this.

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I’ve been noticing significant lag when trying to pull up the advanced search box (mac spinning beachball for several seconds). It happens if I try “xx”, “tag:”, or “deck:”. I’m on the latest version of Anki. Any suggestions to fix this issue?

Are you wanting it to give the popup? I noticed that too with the recent update and just went to the config and turned those all to false

in general it would be useful if you always had the problem with older versions or which version introduced the issue.

My guess is that 2.1.57 with the new styling turned my add-on from slow-ish to really slow for users of the anking decks. This could be tested by changing the user interface style from anki to native in the preferences …

@AnKingMed : Did you get the github notification for increase speed · Issue #30 · ijgnd/anki__BetterSearch · GitHub

Yup I will look into it!

for what it’s worth I’ve gotten three reports about this being slow in the last day but nothing prior to that so I think the most recent update slowed things down

@AnKingMed: Thanks for testing. I just uploaded a new version that limits the lines shown in the filter dialog to 500 by default (though there’s a new setting so that you can restore the old 10000). If you run into problems with this update let me know.

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@ijgnd this sped it up a lot - runs very smoothly now. Thank you for working on this!

How can I search for/filter cards by the date they were modified? The ‘edited:’ syntax is too broad, I only want cards that I’ve made adjustments to.

my add-on is just about making it easier to input your searches - it’s about handling the existing functionality more efficiently. It’s not about adding additional search capabilities. Even if I wanted to add this functionality it would be very complicated because in recent anki versions the search component is not meant to be extended by addons.

If you want additional search capabilities you should make a new thread in the suggestions category of this forum where the anki creator reads them. He’ll most likely miss your idea in this addon support thread.

ideas for a workaround:

  1. in anki there’s a difference between NOTES and CARDS. I assume you are interested in changes to your notes.

  2. you can combine searches, e.g. “edited 7 -added:7”. This should give you just the notes that were modified in the last seven days. Similar combinations where you deduct matches by prepending with a minus are also mentioned in the manual, see Searching - Anki Manual If this works I could add a custom abbreviation like “jjm7” which gets expanded into “edited 7 -added:7” into the next version of this add-on. But I have no time at the moment so this new version will take some weeks/months. In the meantime you could get such a custom abbreviation with my addon browser search aliases/abbreviations. This addon is not user friendly (but it should do the job …). In the add-on config add the following line to the settings key “aliases_regex”:

    "jjm(\\d{1,4})": "edited:\\1 -added:\\1",

if it’s the last entry for “aliases_regex” you must remove the trailing comma. Also make sure that these you use unstyled quotation marks. Then restart anki. Now jjm7 should be transformed to “edited 7 -added:7”. Note that theres no space or colon in jjm7.

I posted this on AnkiHub forum and I was told to post here and it seems there’s some conflict with the add-ons

See post below

thanks for notifying by posting in this thread.

I answered at AnkiHub Updated Today "New Note" Error - #5 by ijn - 🐛 Bug - AnkiHub Community

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Hi, there is an error whenever the tag name contains parenthesis and no cards are shown.

here is an example :

Thanks for your help by posting in this forum (where I get notifications about new posts). You found a serious bug in the add-on.

The bug occured because when I made the addon four years ago I had limited coding experience and my tags never contained parenthesis.

Besides fixing your problem I also fixed how “_” and “*” are escaped. But I haven’t looked into the code of the add-on in a long time so the fixes I just made might break other stuff. So this new version needs some testing.

You can download this new version from:

You have to install this new version manually: After downloading it drag&drop it into the add-on window in Anki, then restart Anki.

If you run into problems with this new version please let me know. If I don’t hear anything I’ll upload this new version on a few days.


Great add-on.

New bug: if I type a minus “-” before one of the keywords (e.g. -is:suspended), then the dialog box does not show up. I noticed this bug started yesterday or the day before (beginning of March).

@agrichter : thanks for notifying me in this forum. That’s a bug I introduced while making my addon compatible to another addon with the latest update … I’ll upload a new version tomorrow.

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@agrichter: The new release is out. I used this occasion to add some items from my todo list in a makeshift way (because I’ll probably never find the time to do the big rewrite I’ve planned for years). So this release would benefit from some testing. If you find an error please let me know.

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