I am experiencing a lot of issues using Anki not refreshing parts of the UI during review or during the editing of cards. Unfortunately it is barely usable this way.
It seems that this could be due to the video driver given what I have read on this forum.
I was wondering what is considered to be the most error free video driver for for Mac OS ? I hope there is experience with this and there is a slow but stable one to pick. I assume it is software.
I have a M1 MacBook Pro.
The biggest problem is with the browser. I often edit multiple cards in a row. They cover math topics and sometimes share parts. When I edit them sometimes the field I change gets stuck when moving on to the next card. When I then change something it gets changed on the old card. Given the nature of my cards it is difficult to notice the wrong content is shown and really messes up my cards.
Yes and I did try the default one (Metal) and Software so far, for both of them it occurred. Will try opengl as well. Unfortunately I don’t have an exact recipe on how to reproduce it. It happens when quickly going through many cards and changing some fields. Maybe something with Mathjax and notes with many fields, not sure how much it is used.
this might be a dumb question, but just covering all the bases - have you reset your macbook? 90% of the time when i start to get issues with mine, resetting fixes them.
What do you mean it’s not an option? I was serious about resetting, you were saying Anki doesn’t refresh parts of the UI. That means there might be something wrong with the memory or the RAM or whatever (sorry if that sounds stupid, I don’t understand it haha)
When you close your macbook lid at the end of the night, that does not reset the mac. Just sleeps it. When your macbook only sleeps for a long time (once you get into 2+ months period it can get laggy) it will get bloated. Resetting it is like spring cleaning.
I haven’t had a problem with Anki before, but when my macbook (M1 Macbook Air) suddenly can’t handle 2 programs operating simultaneously, or when Chrome is getting needlessly laggy and just annoying me to no end, resetting it will fix it. Yes, the problem was application side, but resetting helps reset that application side as well.
If you have reset it and that’s why you’re saying it’s not an option, you might want to try deleting Anki completely and re-downloading it. Other than that, I have no idea what you mean about video drivers so I could not help you there.
I think you’re talking about reboot, not reset. A reset shouldn’t be necessary at all.
No, it very likely wasn’t application side in your case. If it was, then rebooting and resetting your OS wouldn’t have any effect on how good or bad the program works.
I don’t think that’s true. Every app gets memory address ranges asigned to them (they can even request more). RAM can also be reused and freed at any time by the operating system (and the address ranges the app uses can be overwritten by the app itself).
I have something similar on linux (debian oldstable). Sometimes during review it just freezes / doesn’t properly refresh the view. After a few seconds it works fine again though, same for manually closing and reopening the review screen.
I do use mathjax as well and use modified card templates – the code on them shouldn’t be an issue though (performance wise), considering modern web browsers handle far more complex code than what my cards use.
I’m not able to reproduce it either, which is why I never reported it. I do not have as much problems as you do, though. For reference: I use the default opengl, which interestingly has another issue that doesn’t happen with software.
For the curious
In the middle of the window is a “line” that messes up the fonts in every window. It always is in the middle, even after window resize:
You can see it on the u of Study and the 7 ect, even the default anki buttons (see the create deck button in the middle, bottom).
Same picture but with a rough outline: