any know,if its possible to automate anki card creating process, anki deck generator
My current workflow is, while reading pdfs, I take scrrenshots, and then i add that screenshots to anki and use image occlusion, all these steps are manual…
Is there any way, I can, bath import, all the screenshots, i had taken, instead of doing it, one by one, … also is there any automatic image occlusion creator…
I want to get all, nearly 80screenshots into anki, and automatically create image occlusion type cards for it…
also, has anyone used, any. PDF to anki flash cards generator…
People have been searching for automated card-generation probably as long as Anki has existed. There are AI tools that claim to do it. A simple google search will net you more than a few, of varying reputability.
The short answer is no, there’s not likely to be any reliable fully-automated card generation options out there. Someone smarter than me may respond with a specific option or two, but the most honest response is that until, or unless, AI becomes more acutely useful in this regard most of us mere mortals are stuck either making your own cards or relying on pre-made decks.
Thank You for all the replies…
Screenshot would be, like, some simple diagram, with each parts labelled…
Example say, Diagram of Tree, with labels, marked as Leaves, Root, Trunck…etc
and Occlusion Card will look, like all the labels, blanked, out…
What Im really looking for, is, batch processing, and automated…
that is bath import all the screenshots, i had takes, and automatically Occlusion cloze create, like, -Blank Out- all the texts recognized